Howdy, everyone! Nice to be here! I feel I am among friends and can share with you my own complusion to make yet another bag. ( Yes, darling, I do know how many I already have.) My primary focus is quiltmaking. I've done it for absolutely ages and teach and design patterns. Just love it! Like many other quilters, I also have gone off on the tangent of bag-making because... well, I hardly have to explain why to YOU, now, do I?
My inaugural post here (thanks to an invitation from the lovely lindiepindie, thank you xx) is the product of my first ever felting class. You can see that the basic construction isn't all that exciting. I began the felting class rather reluctantly (like I REALLY need yet ANOTHER crafting obsession to eat into my time!) and fancied making something very cobwebby and Monet-ish. Ended up with a thick wad of stuff with blobs of colour everywhere. Hmmph.

But when I got it home and looked closer, I decided to free-motion stitch over it and define the flowery shapes a bit more. Much happier with the whole thing after that, I cut two bag panels from the felt and covered a little journal with the scraps.
Won't be felting again, but I can't see myself giving up bags anytime soon bags!